The Parker Blog:

Jackson Healthcare Family Values: What it Means to Put Others First

Recently, the president of Parker Staffing’s parent company, Jackson Healthcare, in a letter to the entire Jackson Healthcare family, reflected on how and why the concept of “Others First” was being added to our core values:

“Others First is listed first for a reason.  If we could only choose one value to represent what we believe, it would be this one—think about the needs of others before your own… An Others First mentality starts with a recognition of the value of an individual person.  A person is valuable because they are.  Each person has been uniquely created with specific traits, skills, and gifts.  Personal value is not determined by a number in a bank account, a position on an organization chart, or membership in a group.”

As we continue to grow, learn, and stretch as an organization, our goal is to consistently put Others First – including our clients, our contractors, and our team members.

Others First joins the other two values of our family-owned organization: Wisdom and Growth. With our three main concepts, we’re able to incorporate the usual suspects like respect and integrity while also folding in what make the Jackson Healthcare and Parker cultures unique.

Any organization should pay attention to their company’s values – especially ones like ours that strive on being one of the best. However, by narrowing the focus of our organization’s values to these three values of Others First, Wisdom, and Growth, we ensure that our values, and that of our corporate family, are always in line with each other.

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