Parker Staffing

Why Should I Use LinkedIn? Because Other Millennials Are Not

Still don’t think LinkedIn is for you? Even after hearing that over 90 percent of recruiters search LinkedIn for viable job candidates? Well then you’re really missing a unique opportunity to stand out among your peers. Maybe these statistics will change your mind…

77% of Millennials are Passing on the Opportunity to be Found

According to a 2014 Social Media Update by the Pew Research Center, only 23 percent of adults aged 18-29 actually use LinkedIn. While you may be one of the 77% that don’t use it right now, we challenge you to join the 23% who are smart enough to realize the opportunity presented in this statistic.

Let’s say I’m helping a client of mine look for a marketing assistant. They don’t need a high level of experience, in fact, someone fresh out of college would be just fine. Though there are still many recent graduates that are over the age of 29, those in the 18-29 age range are still more common. In fact, for every one student over the age of 30, there are three between the ages of 18-29.

However, don’t let it get to your head. You’re not a unicorn among horses… yet. To really stand out from that 23% that also wants to outshine their peers, you really have to make your profile pop. Don’t be afraid to add achievements, awards, and examples of previous work, not to mention a great, in-color headshot or selfie.

If I go searching on LinkedIn for new, fresh-out-of-college marketing professionals in Seattle, will you stand out among the crowd? Make the effort to build a strong profile, and the answer is obvious.

Convinced yet? If not, there’s always next week. Swing by our blog next Monday to view our third “Why Should I Use LinkedIn?” tip! 

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